C# Starter. Lesson 4. Conditional Constructions

No application runs linearly . There is always a variety of conditions that can affect the outcome of the application. In this lesson you will learn conditional statements that will allow you to develop algorithms whose result will depend on the users choice or other conditions. This lesson will address the conditional language constructions in C # like – if / else, switch and ternary operators.



Видео курсы по специальностям: С#/.NET Developer, Frontend Developer, ASP.NET MVC Developer, Python Developer, Unity/Game Developer. С#/.NET Developer - С# Starter, SQL Essential, C# Essential, Алгоритмы и структуры данных, С# Professional, Entity Framework 6, Шаблоны проектирования, Refactoring in .NET Applications, WPF Essential, WPF Advanced Frontend Developer - HTML, CSS, JavaScript Essential, Twitter Bootstrap 3, JavaScript Advanced, TFS Fundamentals, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS ASP.NET MVC Developer - ASP.NET Essential, ASP.NET Advanced, ASP.NET MVC Fundamentals, ASP.NET MVC 4 Каждый видео курс включает в себя: практические примеры и задания, презентации, опорный конспект с рекомендованной литературой, онлайн тестирование и сертификация.

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